Science & Logic


A Possibility Anchor is a symbol derived from your own subconscious, used to focus your mind and anchor your body to a specific state of being. 

They serve a variety of purposes and functions to help you see, be, think, feel, act, and intuit in the highest possible way for a given situation. 

Each Possibility Anchor you create is birthed from a unique process that pulls from your subconscious mind the exact form required in order to be most effective for YOUR distinct personality, disposition, and goals. (It sounds and feels like magic but the process is very much a function of natural law.) 

To create a Possibility Anchor, we leverage your life experiences and create lighthouses within the neural network. Doing this provides new information to your body about whats actually possible for you. Through practice, this new information becomes a reliable instruction manual for your brain and body on how to navigate and create within a specific area of your life.

What purpose does a Possibility Anchor serve?

Often we lack the modeling, permissions, and/or safety to cultivate the full potential that exists within us as individuals, and as a community. Many of us were and are assuaged by society to diminish our potentials (lessen our wild) and abilities at the cost of sharp instincts, intuitive knowing, and in-depth understanding of ourselves and the capacity to make solid, well-timed choices for our lives.

As a result, we have a Western world thats overflowing with adults that lack the internal resources for clear, direct, full-bodied feeling and thinking. This depth of feeling and thinking is the key for an empowered, happy, and peaceful life. We are under-leveraging the untapped resources of our minds, physical bodies, and spiritual inclinations.

Possibility Anchors help restore and fulfill our potential by acting as surrogates for the lost modeling, permissions, and safety of our childhood and adult lives.

Possibility Anchors:

  • provide direction when you have none - essentially giving you an instinct” of what move to make and when
  • create a sample stitch of evidence in the neural network that tells the “blind” brain that something (previously thought impossible) IS possible 
  • offer enough of a taste of an experience to provide free choice where previously, no choice was accessible
  • blanket life experiences that fall outside of your “safe” zone of confidence, therefore opening pathways of ease and willingness to do challenging or uncomfortable things. OR By blanketing life experiences that previously fell outside of your zone of confidence as “safe” - therefore creating more ease and willingness to do challenging or uncomfortable things.

When and how do I use a Possibility Anchor?

When you purchase one via The truffle Box, you’ll be guided through creating and activating your new Possibility Anchors. You’ll be provided training and support in how to use them easily and often to enhance your life experiences and reach previously unexplored potentials

They become powerful tools to use:

  • when you dont know how to regulate your nervous system or if you have a body that gets hijacked by trauma response
  • when you havent yet developed a solid relationship with your instincts and intuition and it feels like youre tripping your way around in the dark, or if all you have is a faint sniff of who you want to become
  • when overwhelm hits and stress blows past what you can handle, or when emotions arise that feel threatening to you
  • when you need more courage than you have, or times when you wouldnt mind being pulled forward instead of having to push through
  • when the external world gets too loud for comfort, or when you just need your mind to slow down a bit

Having your own personal Possibility Anchors for your unique needs and desires will expand your mind and make your life more magical. Period.

How does a Possibility Anchor actually work?

A Possibility Anchor works by strategically pulling together beneficial memory and functional physiological imprinting into a personalized cohesive form, and then training the body to activate a desired and necessary state of being. There’s a specific science to it that’s been studied, designed, and tested over a decade + by Jamie Sullivan (certified Hypnotherapist and founder of The Truffle Box). The whole process is also, inexplicably influenced by the mystery and magic that is inherent in life and within every individual. Whether by science or magic, or a little bit of both, what matters is that Possibility Anchors work! And they work for everyone.

In short, Possibility Anchors:

  • are a neural beacon for the brain. They tell the brain how to navigate towards something you thought was impossible for you (a desire, dream, ambition or goal).
  • are an anecdote to experiential blindness
  • give your spirit hope. Evidence that an experience is possible for you can give the brain enough confidence to traverse the wild unknown of experiences you’ve previously deemed unsafe or out of bounds for you.
  • are a life float. A Possibility Anchor can stop you from going into fight/flight/freeze. A long enough pause for figuring out a helpful move forward in a stressful situation.